Cancer is a common reason for medical consultation. What diseases will occur after this pain? In what case should you consult a doctor? Doctissimo evaluates the tumor. A man will experience severe pain in his testicles at some point in his life. It should not be taken lightly and medical advice should be sought. Some conditions, such as tumor torsion, are an emergency. Explanation of these conditions.
Testicular pain: who is affected?
Generally, all men experience testicular pain. This is one reason why young men in particular are counseled. Children and adolescents can also be physically injured. In the case of cancer, it is rare in men over the age of 30, but for young men who are not satisfied with the pain during the consultation, Doubts will give priority to judgment or quick response.
Symptoms: How do you know if there is something wrong with your body? Different symptoms:
Scrotal pain can be painful;
or chronic pain: pain that lasts more than three months (such as pain caused by an inguinal hernia or kidney stones);
It is usually in the scrotum;
It can be felt at the level of the skin covering the testicles;
Sometimes we see swellings, small bumps, redness…
Each pathology has its own symptoms that will help guide the diagnosis.
Question: Why do one or both of my testicles hurt?
There are many causes of testicular pain; these can be:
spermatic colic
This is the cause of cancer, especially in young men. These are epididymal spasms associated with a lack of sex or hypersexuality. Symptoms: Testicular pain that does not last or hurts every day.
Epididymitis Infection (Left Testicle or Right Testicle) This is a sexually transmitted infection or urinary tract infection (infection). It can be caused by an infection of the testicles (testicular swelling) or the epithelium (inflammation of the small tubes attached to the back of the testicles).
Testicular pain is very severe and throbbing. There is only one testicle. Therefore, this pain is one-sided. It can be confused with pain due to testicular torsion. This disease affects adults more than children. This virus can cause fever, chills and urinary symptoms as well as cancer.
This disease is usually associated with urinary tract infections such as E. coli. The disease begins at the level of the urethra and progresses through the vas deferens to the adnexal testicles.
Although testicular pain is an important warning, some tests are important: With a blood test, we will see signs of the disease through changes in the blood (blood cells are more free). The sedimentation rate and CRP increase.
Testicular torsion
Testicular torsion is equivalent to the twisting of the spermatic cord, which connects the testicles to the inside of the scrotum and the rest of the body. The spermatic cord contains: nerves, blood vessels, muscles… The pain is sudden and severe, and the testicles are enlarged and red.
If you wait too long, you could lose your fertility and even your testicles. You will lose your fertility within an hour, and your testicles within 6 hours.
Testicular torsion is a surgical emergency. Your doctor will have no problem identifying it as testicular torsion. A twisted testicle is painful and swollen. Sometimes you can feel the coils that form when the cord on the testicles twists.
Testicular torsion is most common in young patients: children or teenagers. This pain occurs when the testicles are too long or when they are not attached to the base of the scrotum.
Hydrocele and testicular swelling
A hydrocele is a buildup of fluid in the scrotum that causes the testicles to swell. And it can be very big! But it’s not the testicles that are swollen, it’s the scrotum that is fluid. This serous fluid comes from the vagina, the layer surrounding the testicles.
The fluid is made up of two layers of the vagina. From the age of 50-60, the vagina starts producing fluid but doesn’t drain it as much as it used to. You have testicular pain and discomfort. Neuropathy: nerve and back pain
The nerves that innervate the testicles come from the second lumbar vertebra L2 in the middle of the back. If this nerve is compressed or abused for any reason, the testicles will be very painful. Since then, it is not the testicles that are suffering, but the veins! However, sometimes when experiencing these types of symptoms, it takes a while to connect the pain to its cause. During the examination, you and your doctor will learn that the pain is not caused by the testicles.
Testicular Sway: The testicles move in the man’s scrotum
Also called “testicular levitation”: the testicles rise and fall in the scrotum. Sometimes it is in a good position, sometimes it is raised on the forehead, between the stomach and the scrotum. This happens when there is a cold, stress, emotions… the testicles fall into the scrotum.
Cancer can also occur regularly: during sex or physical activity. You can see with your own eyes that your testicles have increased. It can be taken back by clicking. When it came back, the pain stopped. The treatment is surgery: It is enough to treat the testicles in the scrotum.
varicocele hole
Varicocele: Varicocele (varicocele). Symptoms include heaviness in the scrotum, especially at the end of the day, and increased scrotal enlargement in hot weather. The swelling is worse on the left side than on the right.
For example, scrotal hematomas can occur in the event of an injury, shock or impact, physical activity or accident, and in severe cases even a fracture. Generally speaking, when this happens, we know the cause. We have fallen off our bikes, fallen off the bike frame, been kicked by soccer balls, had accidents, etc.
cancer cells
Breast cancer: Still rare, visible, palpable and severe.
Testicular pain: When should you see your doctor?
What should you do if your testicles are injured?
If pain occurs, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible who can quickly identify the underlying pain. Remember that prostate cancer, although rare, is the most common cancer among men between the ages of 15 and 35. It can be seen when a lump develops in the patient’s scrotum. Treatment is usually surgical and is usually curative. Diagnosis also includes examination for anatomical or male reproductive system abnormalities that may be causing certain conditions. Testicular pain: When should you worry? If lymph nodes are exposed, it is important to do this within six hours to prevent organ infections that lead to orchiectomy. Under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes a very small incision in the scrotum. He released the testicles. If the testicles are black, they can be replaced with handicraft products. However, if testicular or scrotal pain is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, consultation is essential:
abdominal pain;
Penile urine;
Urinary problems.
During the consultation, after the examination, the doctor will perform a scrotal ultrasound or plan surgery. In some cases, supportive clothing may be recommended.