Get Positive Attitude1. Be excited to be you just as you are. Go through each moment as though it was your last. Live life to the full!.
2. Even the worst moments are a part of life and you don’t need to let them drag you down. Things happen. Just let it go.
3. Gratitude is a simple way to make you appreciate your life so much more. There’s nothing wrong with having dreams or goals, but in the meantime, enjoy what you have… even though it may not be much.
4. Think of one funny thing that happened that day as well if you can. Feel free to write it in your journal, next to the one good thing that happened. This will help with your sense of humor.
5. Try getting a camera. The world looks different through the lens of a camera and it may help you to get the perspective you need. Take pictures of anything you want. It doesn’t have to be of just your friends. Special places and favorite plants or flowers are good things to start with too.
6. No one can take your dreams from you as long as you’re still breathing. If you have determination and will power, you can do almost anything. Success is whatever you determine it to be and you can be successful. Even when you do nothing, you are still creating your life so why not make it something to remember?
7. Do something special for yourself and do something special for another person each day. This will help you feel better about yourself and give you something to look forward to when you get out of bed in the morning.
8. Learn to laugh and people will be grateful. Laughing creates such a positive energy within you and those who can hear you. Don’t take your life too seriously… be willing to admit that yes, some moments are funny.
9. Keep a journal and at the end of the day, write down the best thing that happened to you. Don’t go into the details of your fight with your best friend, don’t start writing about how your mom is completely rude and unfair. Write something good that happened or something that you realized or a cool poem or quote that you found.
10. you have the chance to improve yourself or try something new, don’t sit around at home and wonder and think about the pros and cons. Just jump in with two feet and do it! New experiences are a great way to help you enjoy your life.