It’s not over yet! By following these important tips in a short time, you will definitely have time to lose a few pounds to look stylish at the party.
There is about a week left until the most important event of the year. Now we are all entering the pre-holiday period: We need time to buy gifts, choose clothes, prepare food for the New Year’s table. However, an important question that worries many people still remains unanswered: How can you stay in shape without being afraid to eat a few spoons of your favorite salad?
With the New Year just around the corner, we have compiled four tips for you that will help you lose a few pounds in a short time. We will not tell you anything new, we will only tell you the most important rules. It is usually recommended to take care of them no later than a week before the holiday. If you include these habits in your lifestyle, you will not have any problems with losing weight.
Elena Sviridova, a food specialist, lists some rules to make your New Year’s Eve bright.
Most of them follow the principles of portfolio management:
- Your breakfast should be rich in carbohydrates;
- Each meal should contain plenty of fiber;
- Eat sweets in the first half of the day;
- It is important to distribute calories correctly. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are your source of energy. They should make up 55 percent of your daily calorie intake. Therefore, make sure to consume the following foods: Bread, cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes, couscous, quinoa, beans, fruits and vegetables. Give priority to whole grains, breads and pastas. Due to their properties, they make you feel full for longer. Also, watch out for sugary foods and drinks. This includes anyone who loves oatmeal. Contrary to what the commercials tell us, these breakfasts are devoid of vitamins.
Fruits and vegetables
Make it a rule to eat one fruit and at least three servings of vegetables every day. Try to diversify your meals in creative ways. Change your mindset: Think about what you can add to your bowl, not what you can take out.
For example, add an apple to your oatmeal, dip carrot sticks in hummus for a quick snack, have a green salad for lunch, make an afternoon smoothie, or add tomatoes and onions to scrambled eggs.
high protein
Include protein in every meal. Our bodies need it to build and maintain muscle. Remember that plants like beans, lentils, quinoa, and nuts are rich in protein. We can get animal protein from meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.
But don’t overdo it! If you want to stay in shape, it is recommended to take 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.
Water is beneficial for all processes in our body. It improves brain function, helps control weight and speeds up metabolism. However, lack of fluid can affect digestion; the production of important enzymes slows down. Daily water consumption is 35-40 ml per kilogram of body weight. However, if you are physically active, it is important to drink 1.5 times your normal amount of water.
Choose still water or unsweetened tea. You can easily add variety to this drink by adding a pinch of fresh mint, a slice of lemon or orange.
Follow these simple rules so that you do not feel heavy, bloated and gain weight in the new year. Remember, balance is very important in everything. If you add a simple exercise routine to your daily routine, you will be happy with the results after a week.
Considering that everyone is busy with their pre-holiday rush, there is no need to exhaust yourself with a busy work schedule. Therefore, pay attention to the “pyramid walk” method.