The brain is tired and will be tired: this is called sleep. This leads to stress and the risk of making bad choices, professionally, financially or socially.
You also become more aggressive when you are tired. This can happen to anyone, but now science explains why. In fact, a group of Italian scientists investigated what happens when the brain “dies” and found that mental disorders affect decisions in daily life, even when making financial decisions, social decisions or career decisions. Sleep: When the brain is tired Researchers want to understand what happens when the brain gets tired. To do this, they asked 44 people to undergo brain surgery without specifying a purpose. They took 45 minutes of computer-based exercises that required a certain level of focus and concentration, such as self-control. For example, show them a funny video and tell them not to be emotional while watching it. By monitoring their electroencephalograms, the researchers found that people with more fatigue in certain areas of the facial cortex also experienced similar waves, called “local sleep power.
What is part of sleep for a tired brain?
Partial sleep is a brain phenomenon confirmed by other studies. It is a homeostatic mechanism that helps regulate the brain’s work. It usually occurs at night, but it can also happen when things are not good or bad. Good times happen in good conditions. It’s actually a malfunction or something like not working well for a few minutes. We’ve seen that in these situations people are more likely to react,” It’s better not to make decisions when you’re tired.
In fact, according to scientists, when your brain is tired, some areas of the brain responsible for self-control slow down, leaving more room for behaviors such as aggression, but also for making decisions that could lead to negative consequences.
How to overcome mental illness?
The best way, and in theory easy, is to slow down: “In our laboratory studies, we found that 45 minutes of mental work required 20 to 30 minutes of ‘back to work’. “To allow the neurons to fully recover, it is recommended to slow down or suspend regular activity for a few hours or a day, depending on the situation.