Left Arm Pain: Causes and Treatment

Because arm pain is not always traumatic in origin, it is a good idea to consider and talk to your doctor if it persists. Dr. Patrick Sichère, rheumatologist, tells us about the different causes of arm pain.
Pain in the arm or forearm can have a number of causes related to injuries or chronic inflammation. This symptom should not be confused with a possible sign of a heart attack.

What are the associated symptoms?
Some other signs may appear:

Pin pricking sensation and numbness, sometimes even in the fingers;
Electric shock or burning sensation;
Muscle weakness;
Decreased mobility of the arm.
Left arm pain: myocardial infarction or stroke?
Where is arm pain located during a heart attack or myocardial infarction?
Warning: Left arm pain can be a sign of a myocardial infarction. The onset of pain is one of Warning signs of a myocardial infarction. If other symptoms appear, such as a feeling of tightness or chest pain, jaw pain, or difficulty breathing, contact emergency services immediately at 112 or SAMU at 15.

Where is back pain during a stroke?
The signs of a stroke are less obvious and vary depending on the area of ​​the brain affected. Signs can include hemiplegia, which is numbness of a limb such as the arm. The person may also have slurred speech or double vision.

If in doubt, call 15.

The causes of left arm pain are not always serious. These can be disorders related to rheumatology as well as cardiology or neurology.

Causes: Why does the left arm hurt?
Here are the main causes of left arm pain.

Herniated Cervical Disc
Did you know that a neck condition can often cause neck pain? arm? For example, a herniated cervical disc that compresses one of the nerves in the neck can cause a change in the sensation in the arm. “It is possible to feel a tingling sensation, an electric shock sensation sometimes all the way to the fingertips,” describes Dr. Patrick Sichère. This pain travels through the arm and the outer region of the arm. It can affect the first three fingers or the last two fingers of the hand depending on the nerve in the hand. the anxious patient. »

Forearm pain often comes from a shoulder problem. “This is the case of tendinitis (inflammation of the tendon) of the shoulder, the pain that most often radiates to the elbow,” explains the rheumatologist. “Moving one of the upper limbs (extending the arm, for example) during tendinitis, then causes the pain to shoot.” »
Ulnar nerve compression (pins and needles in the hands)
Ulnar nerve compression at the elbow is also a possible cause of arm pain. “The person complains of a tingling sensation in the last two fingers of the hand,” explains Patrick Sichère. “Electric shock sensations are triggered as soon as the elbow is examined.” »

Other causes of arm pain are possible, such as: tendon rupture (especially of the biceps with sprain). “It is completely unexpected,” our expert describes. “The person who has made an unusual effort feels a brief but intense pain and suddenly sees his biceps pulled. A large lump appears on the arm in a rather spectacular way. “

Carpal tunnel syndrome
Wrist pain can be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome (especially in women and pregnant women). The person, due to these unpleasant sensations (often felt at night), will tend to instinctively clench their hand, explains the specialist. Wearing a small splint while sleeping can also provide relief.

Forearm pain can be caused by trauma or injury to the muscles, repetitive strain, or overuse of the muscles. It can also be caused by a misalignment, sprain, or fracture. Often, pain in the elbow, shoulder, or wrist radiates to the forearm.
Other causes (arthritis, osteoarthritis of the shoulder, neck, etc.)
There are always a multitude of painful causes that can explain a painful arm. For example, at the level of the cervical spine (upper back, in the neck), a benign or malignant tumor, the consequences of whiplash in a car accident… “Not to mention the pain due to inflammatory diseases such as polyarthritis, spondylarthrosis. or osteoarthritis of the neck, adds our expert But also inflammation or osteoarthritis of the shoulder, with pain radiating to the arm or elbow. In both cases, the range of motion is limited and painful. “

When should you worry?
Left arm pain can have more serious diagnoses that require very urgent medical attention, such as myocardial infarction or hepatic colitis.

Left arm pain and myocardial infarction
Left arm pain can be a sign of myocardial infarction and requires urgent consultation. That is why all your arm pain cannot wait until you consult your doctor. This is the case with pain radiating to the left arm, especially if it is accompanied by jaw pain, which suggests a myocardial infarction. “These symptoms should not be ignored,” the expert emphasizes. “Because this type of pain indicates myocardial distress, which requires, in case of doubt, an urgent consultation with your doctor or cardiologist if you are already being monitored. Depending on the symptoms, you will be referred to the cardiovascular emergency department.”

Right arm pain and hepatic colitis
A severe pain that starts in the right arm and goes to the right upper limb, this time reveals hepatic colic, that is, a stone in the gallbladder. “It is a searing pain in times of crisis,” the specialist describes, “It is also an emergency to treat.”
Muscle pain in the arm: when to consult in case of pain also in the rest?
If your pain persists for several days despite a period of rest for your arm, consult your general practitioner. He cares about the treatment of the pain, depending on the exact location of the pain. If after a few days there is no noticeable improvement, he will refer you to a specialist (rheumatologist, cardiologist) for more thorough examinations. “If it’s a shoulder problem, an ultrasound will usually be done.” “obtained,” explains the expert. For cervical vertebrae, an MRI or a CT scan are the recommended examinations.”

Treatment: How to relieve pain in the arm?
The doctor decides on a treatment based on the diagnosis obtained.

If the pain is of inflammatory origin: arthritis or osteoarthritis for example) the general practitioner will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and, if he deems it necessary, infiltration and physiotherapy sessions
If the pain is of neurological origin (cervico-brachial neuralgia, carpal tunnel syndrome), the doctor will then prescribe cortisone, analgesics that have an anti-neuropathic effect (antidepressants or antiepileptics for their analgesic effect “If this fails, the nerve can also be released with surgery,” the doctor believes
; heart disease and liver disease, the treatment for Alleviating pain will consist of taking care of the disease itself.
In the case of pain caused by a sprain or fracture (for example of the wrist), immobilization of the muscles and bones is essential. Then the doctor will apply a splint or cast.

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