We asked you, our readers, how you dealt with finding out your husband was cheating. Here’s what we found out…
Lucky are those who trust their partners
We’re glad to hear that a good chunk of you (about 59% of nearly 3,000 survey takers) believe your husbands are loyal. Some even said, “I think he’s not cheating, but I really want to believe that!” But for the other 40%, it was a different story, and the reactions varied widely.
So, what do you do if…
About 10% of wives decided to play it cool and act like they didn’t suspect anything. They focused on being more attentive to their husbands, which turned out to be the most common approach. One wife even said, “I had to be better than the mistress.”
Surprisingly, only one brave woman actually confronted her husband. Many experts say that silence can be the worst thing for a marriage, so it’s good she spoke up. Another wife decided to cut through the drama and said, “We all met up, and my husband made it clear: I’m his priority, and she’s out.”
Around 6% of the women felt the mistress wasn’t really to blame; it was all on the guy. They took matters into their own hands, giving their husbands a piece of their mind. Some even demanded “compensation” for the emotional damage, saying, “If he cheated, he should pay up. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend!”
5% of the wives took a sneakier route, making fun of the mistress in front of their husbands. Others took a page from Machiavelli’s book, believing the end justifies the means. One woman said, “I befriended my rival and then got my revenge.” Another said, “I cut off all her ways to contact him. No more oxygen for that relationship!”
And then there’s the 1% who tried a pretty risky move (that usually doesn’t end well). They thought that getting pregnant might ease the tension in the love triangle. Sure, it might have made the husband rethink things, but growing up in a family where mom and dad aren’t happy together? That’s a whole other issue.
You can’t force someone to be nice
A smaller group of our readers (about 3%) took a more philosophical approach. Some kicked their husbands out, some even thanked the mistress, while others treated their husbands like possessions, saying, “Here, take him!” One participant said, “I didn’t fight. I believe in nature’s laws, and they don’t involve women fighting over men. It’s the guys who should be fighting for us.”
Others just waited it out, hoping their husbands would come to their senses, or they simply cried. Some lived by the motto, “If it’s meant to be, it’ll come back.” One woman shared, “Time sorted everything out. We split up, he lived with her, then he left her and came back to me. Now things are better than before.”
Interestingly, this topic resonated not just with wives but also with mistresses. About 22 women admitted they were in competition with wives. One even managed to “win” her man but later regretted breaking up his family.