It is a very disturbing phenomenon and everyone finds it unpleasant. Why do our eyelids twitch? Why are some people more affected than others? Can we limit the occurrence of untimely twitching? descriptions and instructions.
Definition of fasciculations
The appearance of “fluttery”, “tender”, “slanted” eyelids… almost everyone has experienced it! Whether they affect the upper or lower eyelids, these episodes usually last only a few seconds or minutes. They are usually not painful, but they can be particularly bothersome, especially when they occur frequently. Scientifically speaking, these “excess” episodes have a name: fasciculations. Fasciculations are caused by the unexpected activation of a group of muscles, whether eyelids, eyelids or lips.
These micromuscular movements have the unique feature of not being controlled by the brain: they occur for no reason and cannot be controlled! But do not worry, blepharoptosis is temporary and harmless.
Causes and causes
These phenomena have not been studied in the scientific literature. However, experts agree that certain risk factors can lead to the development of blepharoptosis.
Line work is not possible
Spasms and cramps in the eyelids and limbs… People with magnesium deficiency are more likely to develop these problems.
Focus on foods that contain magnesium in your diet: green vegetables, whole grains, oilseeds, legumes, some mineral water, etc.
When to talk
Speak to your doctor if symptoms occur; he or she may recommend blood tests and, if necessary, magnesium therapy.
sore eyes
“Myotremors can be the first sign of eye strain,” says Laurent Milstayn, president of the National Federation of Autonomous Orthotists. Headaches, dry, itchy or burning eyes… If you have other eye symptoms, talk to your doctor.
Orthodontist Laurent Milstayn recommends an exercise to protect your eyes and reduce these discomforts: move your eyes from right to left, left to right, then up and down, and then down and up. Look into the distance, then closer… from far away again… then closer… and so on for about 5-6 minutes. This is an exercise that should be done every day and is especially beneficial for people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen.
Abuse of certain stimulants: caffeine, alcohol, etc. Excessive consumption of certain stimulants, such as caffeine or alcohol, can cause muscle spasms.
Limit your coffee and alcohol intake and drink plenty of water every day.
Engage in intense physical activity
Athletes may feel muscle cramps for several minutes after exercise. Reason: Use more muscles.
Remember to stretch thoroughly after exercise, paying special attention to the muscles that are used the most and therefore affect muscle spasms and fasciculations. lifestyle issues
Stress, fatigue, and lack of sleep are all factors that can inhibit muscle growth.
For example, you could turn to yoga to learn how to cope with stress or do deep breathing exercises every day. These exercises will also help you sleep better.
When to talk?
If your symptoms persist or worsen despite following these recommendations, talk to your doctor.
Treating fasciculations
There is no cure for fasciculations. To stop or even eliminate them, you need to eliminate the risks listed in this article. You can start by resting as much as possible, starting to do breathing or yoga exercises, and going to bed early. You can change your diet to include magnesium-rich water, dark chocolate, nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds, and whole grains. To prevent eye strain, remember to rest if you work in front of a screen and regularly massage your eyelids with small, circular movements.
If the tremors continue for several weeks, it is recommended to consult a doctor to confirm whether it is a simple fasciculation. An electromyogram or stress test may help find other underlying pathology.