Glowing skin with smooth sense is what every woman wishes for. It is quite natural to long for that and you can manage to have such radiant skin if you care for your diet and products that you apply on the skin. From your teens till your retirement and the time in between can witness ideal skin texture if you spend only some of your time on that. The skin ages, and every stage has its advantages to help you choose the best way to look after it. Here is a simple guide to help you in finding natural ways to keep your skin in an ideal condition.
In Your Teens This age of yours forces rapid changes on your body and so the skin. Your complexion is resilient, plump, elastic and toned. Due to hormonal changes you may suffer from blackheads, acne or white heads. You need to clean your skin thoroughly to get sure to rinse off all the remains from your skin. The natural grease on your skin is not required to be dealt with any harsh detergent because it safe guards your skin from many troubles. Wear sunscreen because it helps your skin stay young for longer. Use homemade skin scrubs like oatmeal and almond powder. Many over the counter products from reputable brands offer excellent moisturizers for skin. Keep them handy and apply them after scrubbing and washing your skin.
During Your TwentiesIf you give good care to your skin in your teens, your twenties start with a balanced and well settled skin. This time of your age skin renewal is slowed down; hence, you need to help it keep moist and well massaged. Other than sunscreen and moisturizer you need to exfoliate which means removing dead skin cells. There are exfoliating scrubs for normal or troubled skin. Other balancing products are in abundance too. You discover your skin type before you select a product for your skin.
In Thirties and FortiesThis age you start observing light signs of aging on your skin. Now your care for your skin needs a bit more care and time from you. Increase the use of moisturizers and use the screen scrub which is added with some sort of natural greasing agent. At this age women are involved in their jobs, homecare and child care. This adds stress which shows its signs on the skin. You need to add eye creams and weekly face mask in your skin care items. Increase drinking water also to keep your skin moist and soft. Get skin products which suit dry and stressed skin. Always use trusted and well known brands only. Gear up for skin care through your diet. Your menopause is around and you need extra supply of vitamins, minerals estrogen rich food. Use facial oils as well but clean them with fresh water thoroughly and apply anti aging agents. Finally it is always true that what you eat shows of your face. So eat well and balanced and look after your skin for best results.