How to get back into work mode after vacation and not burn out on the first day: 6 essential life hacks

We prepare you to work competently and painlessly.
Is it really hard to go back to work after vacation? We understand that! But we guarantee you: the transition from blissful laziness to everyday office life can be as painless as possible.

There are several ways to avoid work-related stress. The most effective are exercise and psychotherapy, but there are also easier methods that can be used directly in the workplace. We have identified 6 life hacks that will help you get into a work rhythm without losing anything.

Start planning
Multitasking is not always good. Constantly switching between tasks, even if they are side-by-side browser tabs, takes a lot of time and energy. Planning helps you realistically assess your workload, identify priority tasks, and find time for the necessary breaks. Try to spend 30 minutes a day planning your day. It won’t take more than that, but you will get a lot of benefits.

Another piece of advice: Don’t plan to tackle complex tasks for the first few days after your vacation. Before you start increasing your workload, take some time to adjust. The best solution is to gradually transition from rest to work. In order to accomplish your plans and take care of your own health, do not take on too many projects. It is best to plan your vacation for the weekend so that it is easier to return to the work rhythm the next weekend. It is best to postpone tasks that require a significant workload until the longing for TV series and sofas subsides and the excitement of work increases.

Clean up your workspace
Surprisingly, having a tidy workspace can help you relax and get things done. Not only should you keep your desk tidy, but you should also keep your work chats, computer documents, and work emails tidy. At level 80, properly naming and categorizing all your documents into folders means you won’t have to worry about finding them later. Being organized can help you focus better and improve your mood.

Delegate (or die)
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, delegate tasks or ask a colleague for help. Overtime obviously does not contribute to productivity. It requires teamwork and proper organization of processes. First of all, it is worth delegating tasks that do not require special skills, but take up a lot of time and hinder strategic projects.

Learn to say no
Know your value and clearly discuss with your employer the limits of your responsibility. Do not overload yourself with work and do not ask for additional payment or a reduction in the number of tasks.

It is also important to get away from work from time to time and relax. Meditation can help with this. It is best done at home or outdoors, but there are techniques that are also suitable for the office, such as mindfulness. All you have to do is sit comfortably, close your eyes and, above all, focus on your breathing. It should be even, without any sudden jumps. Spend at least 10 minutes every day on this exercise, and you will significantly reduce stress and be able to understand your emotions better.

When you take a break, put your phone on silent mode.

Try to mute work chats after the end of working hours or during your break, especially if you work remotely. This way you can separate work time from leisure time and your colleagues will immediately understand when you are in contact with them, which would otherwise become an endless stream of information throughout your whole life.

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