Exercise & Fitness During Pregnancy

Staying active during pregnancy will help your body stay in shape and be ready for labor and delivery, as well as make it easier to lose pregnancy weight after the baby is born. Yet, as many as nine out of 10 pregnant women don’t exercise at all.

Although many women think that activities like jogging and running will be detrimental to their baby, it’s okay for a woman to exercise at the same level she did before she was pregnant, as long as the pregnancy is normal and healthy.

Pregnancy does make a woman feel more tired, and that can make it difficult to be motivated to exercise. But the benefits to the mother and baby are substantial, which can serve as good motivation to make the effort to exercise.

The benefits of exercising during pregnancy
Exercising benefits for mothers include:

Less weight gain: during a normal pregnancy, you only need to gain 20-30 pounds
Less chance of developing gestational diabetes
Prevention of fatigue and back pain
Better self-image
Less chance of having a C-section
Less pushing during labor
Benefits for the baby include:

Better chance of a normal birth weight
Less chance of the child developing adult onset diabetes
Less chance of childhood obesity
Tips for exercising while pregnant
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that pregnant women exercise for 30 minutes five to six times a week. Be sure to discuss safe exercises and activities with your doctor, particularly if you have any existing conditions or a history of past pregnancy complications.

Your OB-GYN may clear you for even more aggressive exercise, as research shows that most pregnant women and their babies can easily handle more than the minimum suggested above.

Some important tips for exercising while pregnant:

You should feel comfortable while exercising
Be careful not to push your body too hard, and avoid exhaustion
Make sure to stretch adequately before and after exercising
Avoid exercises that involve excessive bouncing, jumping, twisting or full sit-ups
If you were comfortable exercising with your heart rate at 150 before pregnancy, you can maintain that same exercising heart rate during pregnancy
Stay especially well hydrated while exercising
Don’t start a new, intense exercise program while you’re pregnant
Safe exercises and activities for pregnant women include:

Easy hiking (at limited altitudes)
Prenatal yoga
Lifting weights
Other non-contact activities
Pregnant and active – Deanna’s commitment to health

What activities to avoid & exercise risks
Activities that should be avoided include snow skiing and soccer, but not because the physical activity itself is dangerous. Rather, such activities increase the mother’s risk of having an abdominal trauma, so don’t undertake activities that may involve contact.

Avoid exercises that involve excessive bouncing or jumping, twisting, or full sit-ups. Additionally, do not exercise in hot weather without adequate hydration, or participate in contact sports or activities that put you at risk of falling.

If you’re having any troublesome side effects from exercise—particularly contractions, shortness of breath, chest pains or bleeding—you should stop exercising and see your doctor. Other reasons to stop exercising or decrease activity level include:

Irregular or rapid heartbeat
Dizziness or nausea
Muscle weakness
Abdominal or pelvic pain
Call your doctor if these symptoms continue after you have stopped exercising.

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