Walking Right After Eating: A Better Bet for Weight Loss

So, it turns out that taking a stroll right after you eat might actually help you lose weight more effectively than waiting an hour to walk.

Quick Overview
A lot of people think that walking right after a meal can make you feel tired or give you a stomachache. But in this case, neither I nor my volunteer felt any of those issues. In fact, we found that walking right after eating was better for shedding pounds than waiting an hour. If you don’t feel any discomfort from walking right after a meal, doing a brisk 30-minute walk right after lunch or dinner can lead to more weight loss compared to waiting an hour. I lost almost 3 kg, and my volunteer lost about 1.5 kg over a month of walking right after meals. I walked fast, while my volunteer took it easy. We tried this out a couple of times, once in spring 2025 and again in late summer 2025, and got the same results both times.

Why It Matters
When you eat, your blood sugar spikes, which can lead to increased insulin levels. This is a problem for folks with diabetes or those at risk, as insulin is linked to weight gain. Walking after a meal can help keep blood sugar levels in check because it uses up some of that sugar. We found that blood sugar peaks about 30-60 minutes after eating, so if you walk right after a meal, you can help limit that spike.

The Experiment
I’m a 60-year-old woman with a family history of diabetes, and my volunteer is 67. We measured our blood sugar levels using a handy little device. We both ate Japanese meals of about 500 calories and didn’t change our usual medications or drink alcohol during the study.

In our trials, we noticed that if we didn’t walk after eating, our blood sugar levels shot up significantly. But if we walked right after eating, the increase was much lower. This suggests that walking right after a meal can really help manage blood sugar levels.

Final Thoughts
Many people think it’s best to rest after eating, but that might not be necessary for everyone. Some folks can walk right after a meal without any issues and might even benefit from it. While my experiment showed positive results, more research is needed to fully understand how to effectively manage weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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