Consider a Five-Point Tune-Up for Your Marriage

At the conclusion of each summer, my husband and I receive a correspondence encouraging us to have our heating system inspected prior to the onset of fall. This letter typically arrives on a sweltering August day, when thoughts of additional warmth are far from my mind. However, I have come to appreciate the wisdom of preventive maintenance before a breakdown occurs.

Similarly, marriages also benefit from preventive maintenance. Is there a pressing issue that requires discussion before it escalates? Are you seeking activities to rejuvenate your relationship? The end of summer presents an opportune moment to plan for marital maintenance, prior to the busyness of fall. Below is a five-point list to facilitate this process:

  1. Discuss Holiday Plans: As Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, consider where you will spend the holidays. Do you find yourselves juggling the expectations of both sets of in-laws? By reaching an agreement now, you can address the situation in a manner that is equitable for all parties involved. Additionally, if you plan to travel during the holidays, you will have the opportunity to secure more affordable airfare and preferred travel dates.
  2. Rekindle Romance: Autumn offers numerous opportunities for enjoyable getaways, ranging from visits to pumpkin patches and apple orchards to attending vibrant college football games and tailgate parties. Take the time to review your calendars and schedule a few dates. Do not overlook the charm of a romantic drive to admire the fall foliage.
  3. Review Financial Preparedness: The final quarter of the year often brings increased household expenses, particularly those associated with the holiday season. Is your budget equipped to handle these costs? It is prudent to assess your financial situation and make any necessary adjustments to your spending and saving habits.
  4. Pursue New Learning Opportunities: While not necessarily in a traditional classroom setting, fall is an excellent time to acquire new skills or engage in new activities. Explore the offerings from your local public school system or community college. Review your parish bulletin or website for upcoming events. Consider finally signing up to participate in a walk for a cause that resonates with you. Engaging in new experiences, especially together, can enrich your marriage. If you choose to pursue different activities, share your experiences with one another to introduce a new dimension to your relationship.
  5. Enhance Spiritual Well-Being: The summer months often lead to a departure from routine. Have your spiritual practices diminished over the past few months? Rather than feeling disheartened, consider making a September resolution to improve. Allocate time for prayer and spiritual reading, even if only for a few minutes. Contemplate setting aside time to pray with your spouse (refer to “Who Me, Pray?…With Her?”). Conclude the summer by celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

By implementing these five strategies, you can proactively nurture and strengthen your marriage as you transition into the fall season.

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