Male Contraception

Most men believe that birth control is solely the woman’s responsibility. However, men can and should play an important role in protecting their partners from unwanted pregnancies. Let’s take a look at the birth control methods available to men today.

Interruption of intercourse
One of the most unbelievable. The belief that more than 70% are ineffective and that almost one in three acts can be dangerous because a small amount of sperm is released at the beginning of intercourse. sexual intercourse. Moreover, such “protection” will lead to a bad sexual intercourse for both partners.

Artificially prolonging sexual intercourse
Also talk about the method of doubt. Remember, it can prolong sexual intercourse for both partners and most often does not result in ejaculation, but it is not guaranteed to be safe, because sperm is released not only from orgasm, but also from lubricants. In addition, if this method is used frequently, it can lead to impotence and health problems (high blood pressure and headaches) in men. “Samurai Egg”
Scrotal heat therapy is an ancient Japanese method of temporary sterilization achieved by increasing the temperature of the scrotum. This can be achieved by taking a hot bath at 46.6^(0) C for 45 minutes every day for a month. Sperm production can be affected if the testicles are overactive. By the way, the same effect will occur if you drive for more than four hours a day. After these surgeries, the man will have infertility problems for about six months. Then everything goes back to normal, but… There is a risk of developing cancer.

Perfect for men. However, condoms tear easily and require some skill to use. Modern technology offers high-strength, ultra-thin plastic condoms in a variety of lengths, colors, and flavors. However, condoms tear easily and require some skill to use. Hormonal drugs
Drugs containing “androgens and anti-androgens” (high doses of testosterone) can cause azoospermia (i.e. loss of sperm) and temporary infertility. Use of these drugs can cause prostate cancer in men.

Subcutaneous implants in men
A vial containing male hormone is placed under the skin by the surgeon and dissolves in 2-4 weeks. A small amount of “neutralized” sperm is released during orgasm. The effect can last for 3-5 months. There are sometimes some negative side effects (headaches, pain in the genital area, etc.). Developments are continuing towards more injectable drugs that are given as annual or monthly injections into the arm.

The drug contains cyproterone acetate.
These are the same birth control pills, but only for men. Continued use of these drugs can cause temporary infertility and low sperm count. After stopping the drugs, sperm counts returned, but it is not yet known how long it will take for the man to fertilize again. Drugs containing estrogen and androgen
These drugs increase libido but also reduce sperm quality. You can use it for 1 month and then take a break for 3-4 months. Side effects can be seen when the drug is used for a long time: Mental confusion, negative feelings and loss of interest in life.

Vascular resection
The sperm cord is tied and can be tied if necessary. It is an effective way to treat sexual dysfunction and prevent changes after prostate cancer surgery. Vasectomy for male contraception
In the surgery, the vas deferens, which are the blood vessels that carry sperm to both testicles, will be cut. Approximately one month after the surgery, the man loses his fertility. In the past, the biggest disadvantage of vasectomy was that the man lost his fertility for life. Now, a “reverse vasectomy” method has been developed that stitches the sperm ducts back together, allowing men to fertilize again. Fertility can be restored in 90% of patients. Other procedures involve placing specially designed microvalves in the vas deferens that can be opened and closed at will with minimal surgical intervention.

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