Banana is the second most consumed fruit in France and is available all year round. Eating fruit is good for your health. Its caloric intake is higher than the average fruit and is an asset that increases our energy for breakfast, snacks or during work.
Banana is a source of vitamin B6, potassium, manganese and selenium; It has different flavors according to its ripeness and its culinary skill offers us many opportunities to indulge ourselves. (kcal / 100g) 1. The energy consumption of bananas comes only from carbohydrates, with less protein and fat. Bananas are a source of vitamin B6, potassium, manganese and selenium. They also help with vitamin B9, magnesium and fibre. Fresh fruit provides the most magnesium and potassium. The nature of carbohydrates varies depending on the level of development.
Greens contain mostly amylose and amylopectin starch.
The concentration of amylose affects the taste and texture of bananas. During the ripening process, starch is converted to sugar and changes the color, smell, flavor and texture of the carbohydrate composition to control the glycemic index. From an average of 553 when unripe to 65 when very old. The glycemic index indicates how quickly carbohydrates in foods are digested. This speed can be adjusted depending on the composition of the banana, the preparation and composition of the food or food. Therefore, unripe bananas have a low glycemic load (GL = 10.78), while ripe bananas have an average glycemic load (GL = 12.74). The texture is soft. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth, under the influence of enzymes in saliva.
Starch is broken down when food is swallowed under the influence of digestive juices and enzymes in the stomach. Bananas are a fruit that can be included in a healthy diet and meet current recommendations, including weight monitoring, diabetes or hyperlipidemia. Also be careful to choose medium-sized bananas. They can be introduced into the child’s diet from 6 months 2. It constitutes 6.3% of the recommended intake for adults and 12.6% of the recommended intake for children aged 7 to 10 years. Its fiber contains soluble and well-tolerated fructooligosaccharides (FOS)5. The consumption of this fiber contributes to the coordination of transport, intestinal balance (increase in bifidobacteria and decrease in intestinal flora6), the control of cholesterol and stage 7 diabetes and is beneficial in constipation. br>
Vitamin content of bananas
Bananas are a source of vitamin B6. Eating a banana (100 g) covers 27% of the product consumption: this is a good time to benefit from the many benefits of this vitamin, which has an effect on homocysteine. Metabolism is normal. helps the nervous system (therefore increasing the effects of magnesium), to produce red blood cells or to reduce fatigue. Bananas are an interesting source of vitamin B6 for adults 8, who usually have less vitamin B6. Since the bioavailability of vitamin B69 is good, bananas are also recommended for people who follow a diet devoid of vitamin B69. , fair trade, mountain selection (taste is clear), “red banana”, “green banana”… Don’t let them get cold. Bananas do not like temperatures below 12°C, they turn black and lose all their flavor. Remove the skin. If you have to wait, squeeze lemon on it so it doesn’t turn black. ) and adults. They can be eaten raw, mashed, mixed, etc.
Eating bananas every day?
But to stay healthy, it is better to change your diet and eat a few fresh seasonal fruits. You can find many products: makeup removers, cleansers, lip balms. It has many benefits: soothing, healing and rejuvenating33. Bright teeth. Banana peels contain salicylic acid and citric acid.