Women in their 50s (and above) are independent and find it difficult to give up their new balance. Here are 10 reasons why they have decided to be single
Marriage is increasingly in crisis, but even new marriages are not good, at least according to the latest data. But most importantly, on the one hand, the size of the family is increasing, on the other hand, the proportion of women who are still single due to a second marriage or a new relationship, i.e. who refuse to do so, is also increasing. they put themselves in a superior position. Here are 10 reasons that “prevent” women aged 50 and over from leaving their freedom alone.
Marriages (and new partnerships) are decreasing
Marriage has become less of an option, it is not the latest news, but the data for 2024 confirms this: if 2023 has already lost 2.6% compared to 2022, this first eight months of the year will be the last of the certified model. At a price of 6.7% lower than in the same period 12 months ago. On the other hand, single-parent families are growing and women (especially after the age of 50) are increasingly inclined to enter into a new relationship, such as marriage or something else. Experts point to at least ten reasons.
Single woman over 50: Don’t give up your freedom
Women over the age of 50 often find independence, personal growth and even some peace. So in many cases, the satisfaction of achieving a degree of independence leads people to choose to be single. ” It must be said that 50, like our grandmothers, is not the same as it was 50 years ago. They are confronting the past and slavery less painfully, both because of a different lifestyle, the greater freedom that comes with work and more personal freedom, and – why not – even with the help of cosmetics.
The mother’s driver is missing
For many women over the age of fifty, the experience of marriage is a thing of the past, sometimes very difficult to cope with. Once they understand what is important to them, they want to embark on a new adventure instead of being accountable to anyone. “It is a renewal of one’s life, but different from previous experiences: Some people come back together, although not as much as before, after separation or death, many are more selective. Single woman at 50: They want to be independent
Chatting with friends, making their day better, or even being able to watch their own movie or series without interacting with their partner are other little pleasures in women’s daily lives. , rediscovering their freedom. “When you find your newfound balance as a single person, it’s hard to imagine letting go of that, making room and changing that to make room for other people and their needs to be met.
A woman doesn’t put love first when she turns 50.
One of the most common thoughts and desires is to focus solely on yourself; this can mean pursuing your hobbies, planning your dream trip, learning new things. All of this doesn’t involve new relationships, which doesn’t mean giving up on love, it just means not putting it in its original place: “It’s hard to want to block out relationships. Be good and new, be domineering. Simply put – Kang Thoreau explains – Today’s 50-year-olds are more aware of their own identities and desires, even sexually. Many studies show us that they know what turns them on and can orgasm better than their previous partners.”