Do you get cold when exposed to the wind? Are colds or stomach bugs something you know every winter? …You wonder why some people do not catch colds and fevers and get sick despite all the difficulties. We share their secrets with you!
et enough and sleep well
A good sleep is important if you do not want to get tired from work or family life. Studies show that when our minds are well rested, we are more productive and organized. Researchers recommend getting between 7 and 10 hours of sleep per night, depending on the person. Those who can sleep, sleep! However, resting for no more than 30 minutes should not be enough, otherwise sleep loses its restorative effect.
healthy environment
Nothing can boost your morale like a good circle of friends. Safe, deep friendships help build our self-esteem and improve our social skills. So surround yourself with the best people and get rid of the bad ones.
In the book “Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick” written by American health journalist Gene Stone, some people who never get sick are asked about their lifestyle: Most of them have something similar. They eat plenty of fresh food, rich in vitamins and minerals, and also have a lot of protein, which helps the body fight off diseases. Finally, they prefer unprocessed sweets instead of refined sugar and limit alcohol consumption.
Constant hydration
We should drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day, and 2.5 to 3 liters in hot weather. Water is the best drink for our body because it flushes toxins, keeps our body (especially our kidneys) working well, improves the texture of our skin and reduces the risk of cramps and pain after exercise. That’s why it’s important to hydrate every day. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty!
Good stress management
People with high levels of stress are more likely to get sick than those with good levels of stress. So take a deep breath, take a deep breath and fight the stress that’s weighing you down. In general, you should be active in your daily life and thus prevent illness.
Wash your hands
Even people who have not yet been sick strictly follow a simple rule of life that can change everything: clean hands. Our hands are everywhere and carry harmful germs from daily life. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your hands frequently before eating, before touching your face, after using the toilet, etc.
Breath of fresh air
Activities such as going outside, drinking alcohol, walking in the woods can strengthen the immune system in some people. Breathing fresh air can be very beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety, boosting your immune system and giving you a good dose of energy.
It’s no secret that we start to see things differently as we get older. So put your negative thoughts aside and move forward. You’ll be happier for a while and more willing to fight your illnesses.
pet ownership
Research from the International Happiness Observatory and the University of Cambridge shows that owning a pet is good for our physical and mental health. In the presence of our beloved cat or dog, our brain releases oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin, the hormones responsible for love, happiness and relationships. Petting your four-legged friend can reduce stress, heart rate and blood pressure.
making love
Sex can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. The endorphins released during and after sex also have stress and anxiety-reducing effects. It is also a real physical activity that helps you eliminate toxins, increase blood circulation and strengthen your heart. Why deprive yourself when there are so many benefits?
Get regular checkups
Going to the dentist, doctor, dermatologist, gynecologist, mammogram, colon cancer screening are routine but very important checkups that you will have throughout your life. They keep you healthy and detect abnormalities that could be dangerous or cause problems early. Don’t gamble with your health, it is your most valuable asset!